Our History
Winking’s Market began business on July 2, 1948. It began as a partnership between Richard “Dick” Winking and Elsie Feld.
Winking’s Market humble beginnings
Dick Winking behind the counter in Winking’s Market in 1948. In the background is milk deliveryman Johnny Bruening.
Some perspective: How much things cost in 1948.
- Yearly Inflation U.S.A. 7.74%
- Average Cost of new house $7,700.00
- Average wages per year $2,950.00
- Cost of a gallon of Gas 16 cents
- Average Cost of a new car $1,250.00
- Loaf of Bread 14 cents
- LB of Hamburger Meat 45 cents
- Science and Mechanics Magazine 20 cents
- Movie Ticket 60 Cents
- Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.03
World Events in 1948
- Harry S. Truman was President of the United States.
- Truman ends racial segregation in the U.S. military.
- Berlin Airlift begins June 21
- Margaret Sanger founds the International Planned Parenthood Federation.
- Alfred Kinsey publishes Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.
- Famous Deaths: D.W. Griffith, Babe Ruth, Orville Wright

On April 8, 2010 we lost Dick Winking. He was 85 years old and he will always be missed by all of those that called him a friend and especially by those of us to whom he was family. God bless you Richard “Dick” Winking.
Images from 1945

Elsie Feld and Dick Winking in 1945 at Riverview Park after Dick had returned from duty in the Army Air Corp during WWII.
A very young Dick Winking with his Aunt Else Feld photographed at Riverview Park after Dick had returned from duty in the Army Air Corp after World War II.
Picutres from 1948

Dick Winking in 1948