1993 was a historic year for Quincy, Illinois. In the background you see all the old houses being torn down to make way for the new Oakley-Lindsy Civic Center. This pleasant looking January day was in stark contrast to what the future would hold for Quincy. Starting in April that year tremendous amounts of rain began falling through the upper MIssissippi Valley leading massive flooding in the Quincy area and to the eventual failure of the levee in West Quincy, Missouri on July 16, 1993.

Dick Winking standing on the corner of the store in January of 1993.

Dick Winking hand cutting meat in the back kitchen area in January 1993.

Frank Winking working behind the counter in January 1993. Notice the kids picking out their penny candy to Franks right.

Winkings Market – Kids pictured getting candy are Brittany Clayton (nick named “yum-yum”) and her brother Jeffry Clayton.

Winkings Market – Two young boys getting candy Dan Austin (front) and Bud Gilher (back).

Dick Winking sitting on his stool in the back corner of the store.

Winkings Market customers Buffy Cain (rear), Shey Bence (middle) and Misty Schlueter visting the store and striking a pose!

Winkings Market customer Elvis Cain calling his mom to see if he could charge something to the bill at Winkings Market.

Winkings Market customer Buffy Cain (back to camera) and her niece Audriana getting candy.

Winkings_Market_14_1993 Looking towards the front door at Winking\’s Market.

Looking towards the meat case in 1993 at Winking’s Market.

Winkings_Market_9_1993 Looking towards the back of the store in 1993.

Dick Winking stocking shelves in January 1993.